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Video news DIY Phone Camera Microscope - Science Sunday - Day 947 | ActOutGames

DIY Phone Camera Microscope - Science Sunday
Use a laser pointer to turn your phone camera into a microscope. It's really easy, and it's amazing what you can see with such a simple device. Explore your world and let us know what you find!

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When Presley of ActOutGames was seven years old, her parents were using many of the amazing educational resources available on YouTube as part of her home school experience. She liked to learn from folks like Hank and John Green, and also enjoyed watching daily vlog creators like CTFxC and the Shaytards or lets play channels like Chuggaaconnory. Her love of YouTube led her parents to start their own channel to show that you can do anything you set your mind to. As with everything else in her life, they jumped in with both feet and started shooting a daily vlog that has now gone on for well over two years without missing a single day. They mix in home school lessons, an occasional how to episode, museum visits, book review and movie review segments, educational toys, cosplay, travel, Minecraft, Doctor Who, Japanese lessons and anything else that happens to be going on in their life that day. Thier goal is to grow the channel to the point where Presley can have her own signing table at a future VidCon.


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This video published on 17 01 2016 - 17:43:11 Great video has been viewed 1374 times,many people likes this in the audience there are 37 likes, and somebody who hate this Video is: 4. This video is favorited by 0 people who interest about this video and has been commented on as many times 29 times, Videos that have this 7 Minute(s) 15 Second(s) Length, are in Category Entertainment

Videos titled DIY Phone Camera Microscope - Science Sunday - Day 947 | ActOutGames are published by Channel actoutgames with Channel ID UC1zGTtVTZnWbz7EBbKy00EQ on 17 01 2016 - 17:43:11

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